Sample Test Cases

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Revision as of 08:05, 22 July 2011 by Aforkan (Talk | contribs)
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Test Case Name Stack standard note
Phase 0Wait for Idle""""|
OPMStandard poll AND Escrow checkbox
Trigger IMFIdle and LRC bit on.Next phaseIdle
Trigger TimeoutWait 10sNext phase FAIL
Phase 1Idle
User prompt\"Feed a $5 note\"
OPMStandard poll AND Escrow checkbox
Trigger IMFEscrow bit AND note index 3. Remove prompt.Next phaseEscrow
Trigger TimeoutWait 20sNext phaseFAIL
Phase 2Escrow
OPMStandard poll AND stack checkbox.
Trigger IMFEscrow bit AND note index 3Next PhaseNote Acceptance
Trigger TimeoutWait 10sNext phaseFAIL
Phase 3Note Acceptance
OPMStandard poll AND Escrow checkbox
Trigger IMFStacked AND Idle bits AND note index 3Next phasePASS
Trigger TimeoutWait 5sNext phaseFAIL
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